Girls in the Woods

Do you have a daughter age 9-12? Join others who want their child to be immersed in the natural world on a regular basis. This year-long program explores what it means to be a growing female connected deeply to the wild. Your daughter will learn primitive skills (fire making, wild and medicinal plants, shelter building, tracking and bird language), how to nourish her instincts, find her voice, and enjoy the power of just being a wild girl in the woods with friends.

Wild Book Club

Gather with other women around a campfire to discuss nature-based readings and explore our connections to the work and each other. We meet 4 to 6 times a year with new and old books that bring us closer to nature.

Wild Edible + Medicinal Workshop

Together we delve into the world of wild edible plants, many of which have medicinal properties. There is an incredible bounty of the most nutritious food available right outside our door.  We will explore, identify, gather, and prepare delights of the forest for our culinary enjoyment and health.


Fire Making Workshop

Everyone loves a campfire.  We are who we are as modern man because we discovered fire.  Join Tes in this workshop where you will learn to make a one-match fire using only material from the earth.  Experience and try your hand at primitive friction fire methods, including bow drill and fire and steel.  Sprinkled in throughout the day will be reading the land; recognizing animal signs, interpreting bird language and getting to know the trees and plants that surround us.  Together we will build a community fire, cook up something from the wild, and enjoy our lunch around its light and warmth.


With 20 years of working with young people between the ages of 4 and 24 and raising two daughters (now in their 30s), Tes has extensive experience guiding healthy growth and development. Tes can provide personalized individual and group consultations through nature-based experiences for parents and their families. Tes believes a return to the wild helps us all find our center and inner compass. With these in place we can better navigate this ever-changing and modern world.


Join guided day hikes and workshops; learn and explore primitive skills; book a solo wild retreat in Tes’s cabin in the woods; Know Your Land by taking a guided walk—in your forest or mine—to learn what’s out there; enjoy wild birthday parties for all ages; meet with Parenting Consultant Tes, who can help guide you in rewilding your child; hire Tes to speak at your event or personalize your own (group or solo) wild program to match your interests.